Battling bucks, baby bobcats and a bummed-out bunny: Calgary wildlife caught on camera
Check out these pics and video of nature inside city limits

Calgary may be home to more than a million people, but plenty of wild animals share this space, too.
And sometimes, they put on a show.
CBC Calgary readers have been sharing their photos and videos of nature doing its thing — sometimes right in their backyards.
Here are some of the highlights.
Bucks battle over doe
Nicole Gulutzan sent in this video of two bucks who locked horns near her Calgary home.
Their beef appeared to be over a nearby doe.
And check out the third buck who just stands by the female deer and watches the two dudes duke it out.
These weren't the only bucks around, though.
In fact, they've been a bit of a theme in the images Calgarians have been sending us.
Deer love Christmas, too
Hugh Saunders took this snap of a male mule deer on Dec. 22.
The buck was exploring his yard after the recent snow storm.

And all those Christmas lights? The deer seemed unfazed.
Which is more than can be said for the cat in this next photo.
Wild vs. domestic
The humans in Frank Scarlett's home weren't the only ones watching the buck who bedded down in their front yard.
Their cat was quite curious, too.

But that's probably enough bucks, for now.
How about some bobcats next?
Feline family
Sonja Olson shot this video of a furry feline family who dropped by her backyard in northwest Calgary.
The cute cats were out for a stroll in the snow.
Well … they might look cute to us.
But probably not to this hare.
Waiting for winter
Don Morberg caught this bummed-out bunny on camera before the recent snowstorm.
The poor thing was all dressed up in its winter coat — with no white stuff to camouflage in!

If those bobcats had been around, it would have been a sitting, um, duck?
Fortunately for our light-furred friend, it ended up being a white Christmas in Calgary, after all.