Poppy-wearing newcomers challenge now-fired Don Cherry's immigrant rant
It took less than a minute to find immigrants wearing poppies around Calgary

Calgary newcomers who proudly wear poppies at this time every year say the claim that now marks the end of Don Cherry's career wasn't true.
Cherry has been fired from Hockey Night in Canada and Sportsnet for saying during a broadcast that recent immigrants to Canada don't wear poppies, and suggesting they therefore don't support veterans.
It took less than a minute to find an immigrant sporting a poppy in northeast Calgary on a quiet Remembrance Day morning at the Genesis Centre, a community hub in the city's diverse northeast.
"Because I am living in Canada," replied Maninderjit Singh Judge, when asked why he chooses to wear a poppy.

"For the respect, I have to follow the things in the country. I wear it every year … it doesn't matter where you come from but right now we're living in Canada so you have to respect that. My opinion is that everybody has to wear that," said Singh, keeping warm in a toque with the word Canada emblazoned around it.
Some said wearing a poppy is about honouring sacrifices others have made.

"I've been reading about it and it's very important to Canada," said Mexican immigrant, Rodrigo Suarez.
"Every single person who was in the wars they are helping liberty, freedom, and that's super important and that's why we need to respect the veterans," Suarez said.
"I've been living here for 11 years and I love Canada. I feel so proud to be living here," he said.
"We don't even realize what they lived through and we need to respect and honour them," said Suarez, talking about those who served.

"I wear it every year," said Azim Esmail. "I even go for veterans' mass."
Esmail said he sees plenty of poppies in his community.
"I think he is ignorant to tell you the truth," said Esmail speaking about Don Cherry.
"It's really difficult coming from him. I'm pretty sure people are hurt but you turn the page and move on," he said.
Other immigrants said Cherry was entitled to his opinion, however offensive that might be.

"I wear a poppy because it's remembering all those soldiers who've given their life for us," said Lucky Dhaliwal.
"We are enjoying our freedom and I feel very proud to wear a poppy," he said. "I feel it, I wear it."
Dhaliwal said it's a personal choice that should be respected.
"It's his own opinion," he said, on Cherry's rant. "We all have a different opinion, don't make it a big deal. For me it's nothing. Don't make a big deal, we're Canadians"

"It represents the ones that died for us," said 21-year-old Bradwell Ramirez, the youngest person interviewed. "The ones that protect this country for us."
Ramirez said he feels all Canadians should wear poppies.
"All of the immigrants, everyone that lives in Canada," he said.