Men 'fighting in suits' at Calgary 7-Eleven leads to pellet gun shooting, 2 in custody
Calgary police have taken two men into custody after an altercation between a group of well dressed individuals at a 7-Eleven store escalated to a man being shot with a pellet gun.
One man suffered minor injuries from pellet gun fire during fight at convenience store that escalated

Calgary police have taken two men into custody after an altercation between a group of well dressed individuals at a 7-Eleven store escalated to a man being shot with a pellet gun.
Shortly after 8 a.m., police received a report of four men "fighting in suits," Sgt. Andy Nguyen said.
One was struck by the pellet gun fire, and his injuries are said to be minor. He has since been taken to hospital.
The group hid inside a home in the 800 block 44th Street S.E. after the incident, police said.
One man remained holed up in the home early Thursday afternoon, and police continued to surround the residence.
Some of the people in the group are previously known to police.