How are Calgary students performing? Check out the test results
Explore these interactive graphs to see how students in the CBE and CCSD have fared in standardized tests

The marks are in and Calgary students are are doing better than average, for the most part.
The Alberta government released full data sets Friday for the 2016 diploma exams, which are written by Grade 12 students, and Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs), which are written by students in Grade 6 and Grade 9.
Both the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) and Calgary Catholic School Board (CCSD) were quick to highlight the areas where their students outperformed the provincial average, but the overall results paint a mixed and complicated picture.
We've compiled the data into a few interactive graphs for you to explore. Take a look below.
CBE vs. CCSD vs. Alberta
This graph depicts the 2016 results, by subject, for both the PATs and diploma exams across Calgary's two largest school divisions and Alberta, as whole.
For comparison, we looked at the percentage of students in each jurisdiction who achieved the "acceptable standard" and the percentage who achieved the "standard of excellence," as defined by Alberta Education.
Click or tap at the top of the graph to change the subject / exam type:
CBE over time
Comparing one jurisdiction to another can be tricky, as student types and student needs can vary widely.
Another useful measure is looking at student performance within a particular school division over time. This graph does just that for Calgary's main public school board.
It should be noted that the 2013 results were affected by the flooding that struck Calgary, leading some students to not write some exams.
Click or tap at the top of the graph to change the subject / exam type:
CCSD over time
This final graph looks at student performance within Calgary's largest Catholic school district.
Again, remember that the 2013 results were affected by the flooding that struck Calgary.
Click or tap at the top of the graph to change the subject / exam type: