Calgary's Neighbour Day: A closer look at neighbourhood demographics
Which Calgary neighbourhood has the most singles? The most seniors? The most families? The city census reveals the answers just in time for Neighbour Day.
Mayor Naheed Nenshi will be visiting at least 10 gatherings on Saturday

Which Calgary neighbourhood has the most singles? The most seniors? The most families?
A closer look at the city census reveals the answers just in time for Neighbour Day.
The city has declared Saturday Neighbour Day and is encouraging people to get together with barbecues, street parties and picnics. It's meant to celebrate how Calgarians came together to help out during the 2013 flood.
Many Neighbour Day events are small affairs, but the city has a list of 10 that are open to the public. Mayor Naheed Nenshi is expected to hit about a dozen events.
Calgary neighbourhoods by the numbers
- Number of neighbourhoods in Calgary: 198
- Oldest neighbourhood: Inglewood
- Newest neighbourhoods: Cityscape and Hotchkiss
- The most singles: Beltline (8,905 people)
- The most families: Evergreen (5,580 families)
- The most seniors: Varsity (2,365 people)
- The most single parent families headed by mom: Huntington Hills (635 families)
- The most single parent families headed by dad: Dover and Huntington Hills (tied at 170 families each)