CBC SERIES | Poll examines Canadian attitudes towards energy and pipelines
EKOS polled 2,100 Canadians on energy, environment and economy

CBC commissioned EKOS to survey how Canadians feel about a variety of topics making headlines these days — including pipelines.
This week we break down the numbers.
A country conflicted
Canadians appear torn between a rising environmental ethic and deep anxieties about the economy. We talk with oil workers in Alberta, Manitobans and Quebecers along the Energy East pipeline route to give context to the discussion.

Support for Alberta
The poll showed strong support for hard hit Alberta among many Canadians right now, but it's not universal. We ask if some Canadians are enjoying Alberta's pain right now.

Can we have it both?
When it comes to taking care of the planet and taking care of our family, do we really have to pick one over the other?
Energy East has the broadest support of any pipeline project in Canada, but there are significant differences in pipeline support in different provinces in the country. Our survey identifies where support is strongest and weakest.

NEB support
Do Canadians trust the National Energy Board? We take a look at what Canadians think about the federal agency responsible for building a sustainable energy future in the country.

Our green energy future
The world will get off oil eventually, but whether that happens in 2030, 2050 or 2070 obviously matters a great deal — especially to a resource-dependent economies such as Canada. We look at how perceptions about the future prospects for the global oil economy may affect energy infrastructure decisions being made today.
- ANALYSIS | The electric car and Canada's oil future

The age gap
The survey data suggests a split between younger Canadians and mature Canadians when it comes to energy, the environment and the economy. We take a closer look at this divide — and what it could mean.
It's no secret that times are tough in Alberta right now. We all feel it — some more than others. But how does the rest of Canada feel? We breakdown the numbers.

See the full poll here: