Calgary grandma writes children's book to help kids understand the pandemic
Cathy Baine, retired elementary school teacher penned Stronger Together, a COVID superhero adventure

Her title is children's author — something Cathy Baine, 63, hasn't heard someone say out loud before now.
"Alright! That feels kind of surreal," Baine said with a laugh.
The Calgary grandmother has written an illustrated children's book called Stronger Together; a COVID Superhero Adventure. It centres on a family facing the ups and downs of the pandemic.
"They take on a superhero identity with special superpowers that they use, to work together, help each other out, help strangers," Baine said.
The family happens to be based on her own daughter's real life brood.
Jennele Coulson, Baine's daughter, is also an elementary teacher. She said she knew, growing up, that her mother always wanted to write a book, and she's proud to see the finished product tackle such an important issue.
"It poses that kind of new normal in a way that's not all about masks and the stuff we hear over and over again," Coulson said.
Baine started the book soon after COVID-19 caused the province to shut down non-essential services. The illustrations were done by her grandchildren's other grandma, Amanda Coulson, from her home in England.
It took months to navigate the self-publishing process but Baine released 25 copies for family and friends in January. Now there's a waiting list.
Baine has done one virtual book reading at a local elementary school, and more are in the works.