Chinook C-Train station reopens
Renovations will increase passenger safety and accommodate longer trains

After eight months of construction, C-Trains are once again stopping at the Chinook station.
One of the busiest transit stations in Calgary, Chinook station reopened Tuesday after being closed since January for reconstruction.
About 12,000 people use the Chinook station every weekday.
The revamped station has a wider pedestrian walkway, an at-grade track crossing, three heated passenger shelters on the platform and a heated bus terminal passenger shelter. Calgary Transit says it has also enhanced security.
The Chinook station is one of 14 that are scheduled for construction over the next two years to prepare for the introduction of C-Trains with four cars, according to Doug Morgan, director of Calgary Transit.
"I think we have five on the go currently right now, with another three to complete by the end of next year, which will get the red line, which is the northwest to south line, ready for four-car platforms, "
Construction at the Chinook station was completed on schedule, according to Morgan.
Not all of the C-Train stations will be fully closed during construction.