City's bike boss launches plan
Calgary's new bike co-ordinator unveils the city's next bike lanes
Calgary's new bike co-ordinator is rolling out the city's next bike lanes at a public meeting Wednesday night.
The city is bringing in dedicated bike lanes to Sixth Street and Seventh Street southwest this summer.
The lanes will run between First Avenue and Eighth Avenue, allowing cyclists to connect with the Peace Bridge.

Existing traffic lanes will be narrowed to create the metre-and-a-half wide bike lanes.
Bike co-ordinator Tom Thivener says it's expected as many as 14 of the 180 parking spots on the two streets will be removed to ensure safe riding space.
He added the bike lanes will be clearly marked by painted lines and will be in place by the end of the summer.
"We want to hear from the public about that potential loss but also hear from the public, from the cycling community as well, to see how they feel about the new striping configuration because it's something that is very new for Calgarians to have dedicated bike facilties in the downtown," Thivener said.
Maps of the new lanes are now on the city's website, where people can also comment on the new plans, and a public meeting was held Wednesday night at the Mewata Armoury.