Be part of our photo gallery at the Calgary Central Library
Tag your photos with #cbccalgary for a chance to be featured

Is photography a passion or hobby of yours?
We're showcasing the talented photo takers in Calgary at our new community photo gallery in the Create Space at the Calgary Central Library.
What's your favourite Calgary backdrop? Where have you gone for an outdoor adventure? Who or what brings your heart the most joy?
The #CBCCalgary Snapshot Series is meant to be a reflection of the everyday people, places and things that make up our city and a chance for you to connect and share with other creatives in the city.
Not a photographer? No worries! Anyone who has a great photo may be selected.
So if you have a photo or two you'd like to submit, please share it on Instagram with #CBCCalgary and email the high-res versions to with your captions and social handle.
All photos submitted by Monday, November 9 at 9:00 a.m. will be considered for selection. Photos to be on display at the Calgary Central Library throughout November and December.