'We've Got Your Back Fort Mac': Join CBC Calgary's 1-day charity blitz Wednesday
Live broadcast of shows in our lobby include onsite charities, live music and food

Join CBC Calgary on Wednesday, May 11, for a day of support for the thousands of people devastated by the Fort McMurray fire.
From 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. at CBC Calgary (1724 Westmount Blvd. N.W.), various charities will be on site collecting monetary donations to help those affected by the fires get back on their feet.
- Canadian Red Cross: Accepting monetary donations to provide immediate assistance.
- Calgary Food Bank: Accepting monetary donations (no food please) to go toward bringing much-needed food supplies to the towns and First Nations communities surrounding Fort McMurray that are providing short-term housing for evacuees, as well as to the Fort McMurray Food Bank to support the residents once they return home.
- Calgary Humane Society: Collecting monetary donations on behalf of registered animal welfare agencies impacted by the wildfire.
Join CBC Calgary-based radio programs as we broadcast live from our lobby:
- The Calgary Eyeopener from 6- 8:30 a.m.
- Alberta@Noon from noon to 1 p.m.
- The Homestretch from 3-6 p.m.
We'll have live bands performing in the lobby including:
We'll have live bands performing in the lobby including:
And there will be free snacks for anyone that comes to support the evacuees, thanks to:
- Burger 320
- Crave Cupcakes
- Jelly Modern Doughnuts
- ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen
- Sidewalk Citizen
- La Boulangerie
- Village Ice Cream
We also have exciting draws for these prizes when you donate:
- Calgary Reads children's book and game package.
- CBC Calgary messenger bag featuring retro branded headphones, T-shirt and much more!
- CBC's Heartland cast-signed photo, and all eight seasons on DVD.
Help us bring some much needed relief to the people of Fort McMurray who have been evacuated from their homes.