No C-Trains through downtown and road work aplenty over May long weekend
Shuttle buses will ferry passengers through Calgary's core as crews do repairs and maintenance

There won't be any C-Train service through the downtown core over the Victoria Day long weekend as crews perform maintenance and repair work, Calgary Transit says.
All of the downtown stations will be closed. Shuttle buses will get passengers through the core to other LRT stations.
- Catch the Red Line shuttle along Ninth Avenue to head to Somerset-Bridlewood.
- Catch the Red Line shuttle along Sixth Avenue to head toward Tuscany.
- Catch the Blue Line shuttle along Sixth Avenue to head toward 69 Street.
- Catch the Blue Line shuttle along Ninth Avenue to head toward Saddletowne.
Red Line trains will run normally between Tuscany and Sunnyside and from Somerset and Victoria Park-Stampede.
Blue Line trains will run normally between 69th Street and the downtown West-Kerby station and from Saddletown to Bridgeland-Memorial.
Crews will be replacing some rails along Seventh Avenue, doing maintenance work in the tunnel between City Hall and Victoria Park, and washing the platforms and canopies at all of the downtown stations.
Lots of road work, too
The city's roads crews will also be busy over the long weekend, trying to take advantage of the lighter traffic as many motorists head out of town for the holiday, said spokesman Chris McGeachy.
"Calgary is a winter city, so we have to kind of compress all of our construction into a shorter period of time," he said.
McGeachy said there will be several detours and road closures over the weekend and beyond, including the total reconstruction work being done on 17th Avenue between First Street S.E. and Macleod Trail S.E.
"Citizens are going to notice a lot of traffic impact, especially in the core," he said.
McGeachy said motorists should also expect delays around 32nd Avenue N.E. and 68th Street N.E. because of paving work, and on 14th Street between Heritage Drive and 90th Avenue because of utility work.
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