These are the Calgary-area workplaces hit hardest by COVID-19 outbreaks
Purolator facility has 67 cases, APS warehouse has 29

As some Calgary businesses prepare to open after remaining closed for several weeks to help slow the spread of COVID-19, figures released by Alberta Health shed some light on which workplaces the virus has hit the hardest.
The outbreak at High River's Cargill meat-processing plant, with more than 1,500 cases and three fatalities linked to it (one a relative of an employee), is by far the biggest.

But numerous other workplaces that were deemed essential and remained in operation during the pandemic are also fighting outbreaks.
Alberta Health provided a list updated to Sunday of Calgary and vicinity workplaces hit with outbreaks:
- Amazon Fulfillment Centre, Balzac: 11 cases (all active).
- APS of Calgary, warehouse: 29 cases (11 recovered, 18 active).
- Cargill, meat-processing plant, near High River (staff and contractors): 949 cases (36 active, 911 recovered, 2 deaths).
- Calgary Refrigerated Warehouse: 17 cases (5 active, 12 recovered).
- Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre: 5 cases (3 active, 2 recovered).
- Harmony Beef, meat-packing facility, Rocky View County: 38 cases (16 active, 22 recovered).
- Midtown Co-op, Calgary: 16 cases (12 recovered, 4 active).
- Purolator, Calgary: 67 cases (including 32 recovered).
- Canada Post, Calgary: 6 cases (2 active, 4 recovered).

Alberta Health made separate lists of the outbreaks at care facilities. The outbreak at the McKenzie Towne care complex was the most severe, claiming the lives of 21 residents.
Here are the affected sites as of May 11.
Acute care facilities:
- Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary: 9 cases (all recovered).
Long-term care facilities:
- AgeCare Walden Heights, Calgary.
- Bethany Calgary, Calgary.
- Bethany Riverview, Calgary.
- Bow View Manor, Calgary.
- Carewest Glenmore Park, Calgary.
- Carewest Sarcee, Calgary.
- Clifton Manor, Calgary.
- Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre, Carewest, Calgary.
- High River Long Term Care (in High River Hospital), High River.
- Intercare Chinook Care Centre, Calgary.
- Mayfair Care Centre, Calgary.
- McKenzie Towne Continuing Care, Calgary.
- Providence Care Centre, Calgary.

Supportive living/home living sites:
- Academy of Aging, Calgary.
- AgeCare Seton, Calgary.
- AgeCare Skypointe, Calgary.
- Calgary Progressive Lifestyles Foundation, private residence, Calgary.
- Evergreen Retirement Living by Rivera, Calgary.
- Hillcrest Extendicare, Calgary.
- Intercare Brentwood Care Centre, Calgary.
- McKenzie Towne Retirement Residence, Calgary.
- Millrise Place, Calgary.
- Monterey Seniors Village, Calgary.
- Proverbium 3 Homes Inc., Calgary.
- Seasons High River, High River.
- Stafford Foundation Tudor Manor, Calgary.
- The Journey Club, Calgary.
- The Manor Village Varsity, Calgary.
- United Active Living at Fish Creek, Calgary.
- Wentworth Manor, The Residence, Calgary.
The province reports facility-centred outbreaks when there are five or more cases. Outbreaks at continuing care centres are reported when there are two or more cases.
Beginning May 14, some businesses and facilities will be allowed to gradually resume operations, including:
- Retail businesses, such as clothing, furniture and bookstores. All vendors at farmers markets will be able to operate.
- Hairstyling and barbershops.
- Museums and art galleries.
- Daycares and out-of-school care with limits on occupancy.
- Summer camps with limits on occupancy. That could include summer school.
- Cafés and restaurants with no bar service to reopen for public seating at 50 per cent capacity.

The province reported its highest number of new cases in a week on Sunday afternoon, but remained below triple digits with 96 new cases.
The Edmonton zone reported no new cases.
According to the province, the latest death, a man in his 70s in the South zone, is not connected to a continuing care facility outbreak.
This brings the provincial death toll due to COVID-19 to 117.
Here is the regional breakdown of cases as of Sunday:
Calgary zone: 4,244.
South zone: 1,150.
Edmonton zone: 509.
North zone: 227.
Central zone: 99.
Unknown: 24.