Drone seized by Red Deer RCMP after flying in the path of STARS air ambulance
Owner of the small aircraft could face fines as high as $15,000 under new federal regulations

One drone is in custody and its owner out a playtoy after the small aircraft was flown in the path of a STARS air ambulance in Red Deer.
The incident took place on Wednesday morning as the medical helicopter was making an approach to the Red Deer hospital.
"Police seized the foldable Mavic Pro drone as part of the investigation into whether the drone was in violation of the Federal Aeronautics Act," said RCMP in a news release.
New rules for the operation of drones were passed on March 13, restricting the use of the ubiquitous flying machines in populated areas.
Those who violate the new rules can face fines up to $3,000 for recreational use. Commercial users face fines up to $15,000 under prior regulations.
RCMP said they continue to investigate the incident.