Enhanced Checkstops planned for Stampede week
Calgary police launch 2 custom-built vehicles to nab impaired drivers
The Calgary Police Service is boosting its Checkstop program during Stampede week thanks to the arrival of two new custom-built vehicles.
The new Checkstop trucks cost $150,000 each, much less than the estimated $1-million price tag to replace the now-retired Checkstop bus, said staff Sgt. Paul Stacey.
"So we looked at our options and that's why we got these two for $300,000. Very cost effective, and it's actually better for us because we can be in more places with them," he said.

Last year 46 people were charged with impaired driving offences during the Stampede.
"It's disappointing that there's still that many, because the message has been put out for years and years that it is just so socially unacceptable nowadays," Stacey said.
So far this year there have been 11 fatal collisions in Calgary, killing 12 people. Alcohol was been a factor in five of those collisions, he said.
"So we're going to be aggressive during the Stampede and we're going to do our best to catch all the impaired drivers out there that we can," he said.
"When you know you're going to one of the beer tents, or somewhere down on the grounds, you know you're going to be drinking, have a plan in advance."
The Alberta government is covering the extra labour cost associated with the enhanced Checkstops during the Stampede.