Gas station leak bigger than first thought
People who live near a gas station in northwest Calgary have been told that a leak discovered last year is bigger than officials first realized.
The seeping gasoline from the Gas Plus station in Bowness was initially thought to have affected four houses and one business.
But area resident Monica Skrukwa, who recently met with provincial officials along with other neighbours, said a preliminary report now indicates the effects were more widespread.

Chris Bordeau, a spokesman for Alberta Environment, said the mapping of the spill is being completed as quickly as possible.
Gas Plus notified Alberta Environment last May that 9,000 litres of gas had escaped the site over a period of several months.
In August, vapours were detected in the basement of a home adjacent to the site.
The Alberta government issued an environmental protection order against Gas Plus last December, requiring the company to mitigate "any identified impacts" on nearby residences, to provide the province with a plan to control the contamination and to take remedial action by this month.