Calgary accessible arts group faces entrance challenges after heritage designation
Large staircase stands in way of front door and some of the artists meant to use it

The 11 steps in the staircase leading to the front door of the West Hillhurst Civic Building has turned into a greater barrier than expected for the National accessArts Centre (NaAC).
The group entered into a deal with the City of Calgary in July of 2021 to move into the former Scouts Canada building after being told that its current home adjacent to the Fairview Arena was going to be demolished.
The roof of the Fairview Arena collapsed in 2018, making the community hall that the group has been operating from no longer suitable for the long term.
However, NaAC CEO Jung-Suk Ryu says that when the city offered them the space, along with a promise of $2.5 million in upgrades, he didn't realize the building's impending heritage designation would make the front staircase an immovable asset.
"I think that presents a very visible and very real challenge as a disability organization," said Ryu.

The building has a ramp, but it is not built to code, making it unusable for about half of their users, he said.
The building, designed by famed architect Jack Long, was constructed in 1966 and officially received registered historic designation at the end of last year.
In a statement to CBC News, the city said its letter of agreement with NaAC had a heritage tenant welcome letter, "which detailed the historical nature of the building, including character defining elements of the architecture, and the expectations of maintaining a heritage building."
A possibility being explored by the city is creating a new accessible entrance on the east side of the building that artists at NaAC could use, instead of the main one nestled between two large murals at the top of the stairs.
"I think it's a solution but not the ideal solution. And I don't think it fully understands the kind of discrimination and the challenges that Calgarians with disabilities face day to day," said Ryu.
"I think it sends the wrong message about creating a different kind of entrance because we have special people who aren't able to use that front staircase. I think we can draw a lot of parallels to other discriminatory practices, and I have a real hard time accepting that as a solution."
Heritage and accessibility
When the building was first added to the inventory of buildings being evaluated as historic resources in 2013, the stairs were identified as a defining element, says Josh Traptow, CEO of Heritage Calgary.
"As part of that designation process, the stairs in the front are designated, which means they can't be significantly altered or moved under the current bylaw, but it does not preclude any other developments from happening at that site," he said.
"I think that's kind of one of the misconceptions that I think folks have about heritage, is once something is designated that nothing can ever be done with it. And under the standards and guidelines, you know, it does not preclude alterations or additions that are being made, and in this case, to make the building accessible."

Traptow says he can understand from an accessibility standpoint where the NaAC is coming from.
"Heritage and accessibility has often had challenges, but I think there's opportunities that both can work together that can complement one another. I think it's just going to take some ongoing conversations to get there."
Hope for positive outcome
The city says it will continue to work to find a solution that "respects the heritage designation of the building while meeting the accessibility and program needs of the NaAC and its members. The city remains committed to ensure that the base building and universal design upgrades are made to the facility in a cost effective and timely manner that will enable the NaAC to complete their tenant improvements."
Ryu is hopeful a solution can be found to accommodate the approximately 350 users that come to the NaAC each week.
"I think there's a real positive outcome that can come out of all of this should people be willing to have open minds and a real understanding of the challenges facing Calgarians with disabilities. And we see this as an opportunity rather than a hurdle. I think great things can come out of that."
With files from Terri Trembath