Hundreds of Albertans appealing disaster recovery payout
10 Exshaw families affected by the flood still out of their homes

One year after the devastating floods of 2013, hundreds of Albertans are appealing their cases through the provincial Disaster Recover Program (DRP).
"We have an appeal process where if someone really believes that they haven't been funded appropriately, they can appeal it. We've been having about six per cent of all of the files go through the appeal process," said Municipal Affairs Minister Greg Weadick.
According to the last update from the province, roughly 9,000 homeowners and 1,500 businesses have filed claims with the DRP.
"About half of the people that appeal actually are receiving some extra funding. We are finding there may be something that's been missed and we are able to help them and they can receive that funding," said Weadick.
Exshaw flood victim appealing
Jennifer Smith and her family from Exshaw are still living in a trailer provided by the government.
- Exshaw flood victims continue fight for disaster recovery payments
- Exshaw races to build berm ahead of flood season
"They said no Albertans left behind [but] we have gotten no assistance with this house."
Smith says last June her basement filled with muck and sewage and now the foundation is cracked.
"I'm not asking the province to build me a new house. We're taking extra steps to make sure that we always feel safe. We just want the money it would've cost to repair the basement.``
The hamlet of Exshaw was hit badly last June when the creeks running through the community turned into raging rivers.
Almost 40 families were displaced. A year later, 10 families are still out of their homes.
"It`s hard to explain why it's taking that long to find they help they need," said Municipal District of Bighorn Reeve Dene Cooper. "We're not totally recovered. We are working our way forward in recovery."
The hamlet has been excavating and building berms up to the 2013 water level as part of its flood-proofing measures.