
Inglewood's new outdoor street piano hard to miss

If you've walked down Ninth Avenue in Inglewood recently you might have noticed a bright pink piano sitting on the street. CBC's Evelyne Asseline went to find out how it got there.

Nolan Matthias and his colleagues decided to paint the piano as part of team building exercise

Inglewood's new piano

10 years ago
Duration 1:52
Did you notice the pink piano that appeared Thursday on main street in Inglewood ? Well, we found out who put it there and why.

If you've walked down Ninth Avenue in Inglewood recently you might have noticed a bright pink piano sitting on the street.

It's there for your enjoyment, courtesy of Nolan Matthias and his colleagues. The group heard of a piano donation project in Oregon at a team building conference they attended.  

They loved the idea so much that they bought one for $75 and painted it with the idea of giving it to the community to play.

It's not the first time pianos have appeared on the streets of Calgary. 

Downtown Calgary installed a few in the core four years ago. They even offer a concert series featuring musicians, which has a few more dates coming up.

Piano to stay until winter

What is different this time is that the project isn't related in any way with the city.

Matthias and his colleagues faced one major problem, they had to find a legal place to leave their piano. They decided to leave it at a friend's business in Inglewood as a surprise.

The piano will stay until the winter, then someone will adopt it so it's protected from the elements.

Matthias hopes other people will donate pianos and set them up in a public place, although he is reminding those interested in doing so that they need to leave it on private property and you'll need to get permission.