Best James Bond: Which actor played 007 to perfection?
Unconventional Panel argues over who was, or could be, the greatest

The 24th James Bond film opens on Friday.
Spectre will be the last time Daniel Craig appears as the iconic super spy.
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Seven men have played the character, so we asked our Unconventional Panel to weigh in on James Bond actors from the past and future.
Today's panel consisted of West Canadian Industries CEO George Brookman, Wordfest director Shelley Youngblut and Calgary actor, comedian and improvisor Andrew Phung.
Who was the best 007?
George: "Only Sean Connery. When I put the top down on my little Volkswagon — I am Sean Connery."
Shelly: "You love your first Bond, and my first Bond was Roger Moore... And Live and Let Die is one of the greatest movies of all time, including the great leap over the crocodiles."
Andrew: "I'm surprised you said it! Roger Moore was the best Bond.... Those who love Sean Connery will argue you until the end."
"I felt like Pierce Bronson and Timothy Dalton were these weird kinda clone Bonds that we put together and made. So when you were watching it, you never really felt like there was an actor putting their own spin on the character."
Who should be the next Bond?
Shelly: "Idris Elba, the British actor who we all love from the Wire.... Deadly, deadly handsome.... He's just so seriously sexy."
Andrew: "Put a woman in the role. Bond is a style. Bond is not a gender or an ethnicity. Bond is a style."
George: "It cannot be a woman! Jaime Bond? No!"
- Tell us who you think did the best job, or who should be considered next, in the comments below.