Prescribed burns begin in Kananaskis Valley
Burns are ongoing in the Evan-Thomas Provincial Recreation Area

Alberta Parks has started conducting prescribed burns in the Evan-Thomas area of the Kananaskis Valley.
It's part of the province's "10-Year Vegetation Management Strategy" for the area, which will see two prescribed burns each year for the next decade.
The Evan-Thomas Provincial Recreation Area, which includes Nakiska Ski Resort, Mt. Kidd RV Park and Ribbon Creek, hasn't been touched by a wildfire since 1936.
"Over the past 80 years, effective wildfire prevention measures have nearly eliminated fire from this landscape," Alberta Parks said in a statement.
The area has become increasingly popular with hikers and other tourists.
"Prescribed fires initiated this fall coincide with a lull in the tourist season and will be managed by firefighters with Alberta Forestry," the statement said.
About 1,500 hectares of the 20,000-hectare recreation area will be involved in the vegetation management strategy.