Municipal affairs minister sorry for handling of Bill 28
Doug Griffiths says bill to create provincial infrastructure boards poorly handled

The Minister of Municipal Affairs, Doug Griffiths, told community officials on Friday that he made a mistake with the introduction of Bill 28 in October.
The proposed bill would have created management boards to help guide infrastructure and development issues that cross municipal boundaries. It sparked a backlash from the opposition and from municipalities about the powers the government was giving the new boards — and taking away from them.
"So fear got a hold of that and I apologize for that because I've always said that one of the biggest challenges we have as elected officials, is to make sure that fear doesn't guide the agenda," said Griffiths while in Calgary Friday for a meeting of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association.
The government put the bill on hold after fierce reaction, citing the need for more consultations.
Griffiths says amendments will be made to the bill before next spring's legislative session.