Calgary police let organ donors off for minor traffic violations
Instead of a fine, drivers receive a warning — if they’re a registered organ donor

Calgary police have teamed up with officers south of the border to raise awareness about organ donations.
Last week, the Calgary Police Service participated in Second Chances, an initiative undertaken when officers pull over a driver who has committed a minor traffic violation. Instead of a fine, the motorist receives a warning — but only if they are a registered organ donor.
"Drivers who had an organ donor symbol on their licences were given a second chance, because their status as a registered organ donor gives fellow citizens a second chance at life," said Const. Randy MacDonald of the CPS traffic section.
Minor violations include actions like an illegal U-turn or people parking where they aren't supposed to, MacDonald said. Calgary police participated April 11 and 12 to mark National Donate Life Month, which is throughout April.
Second Chances is a partnership involving the Canadian Transplant Association and police in Calgary, along with police in Fullerton and Placentia, Calif.
The initiative aims to increase the number of organ donors in Canada and the United States. Thousands of people in Canada are waiting for an organ transplant, and hundreds die each year before receiving a transplant, according to numbers from the Organ Project.
More information about organ donation in Alberta is available on the organization's website.