Plastics in, sorting out at recycling depots

People who aren't included in Calgary's new residential recycling pickup system can now take their plastics to the city's improved community recycling depots, which no longer require sorting.
Southwest depots have already been converted and now accept plastics of type 1 to 7, except Styrofoam, and have eliminated sorting. Depots in the city's other quadrants will be converted at the same time as blue-cart residential collections begin in those areas.
Earlier this month, the city began collecting recycling from southwest homes and residential buildings with a maximum of four units. Crews will be picking up recycling from more than 300,000 homes once the program is in full swing across the city.
Schedule for converting existing community recycling depots:
- Southeast May 12-15.
- Northwest June 9-12.
- Northeast June 30-July 3.
Those who don't have access to the residential pickup service, mainly people who live in apartment and condominium buildings, can go to one of the city's 50 recycling depots, which were introduced in 1990.
The depots will continue to accept the same materials (paper, cardboard, glass, cans, milk containers) as before, but residents will no longer have to sort the materials into separate containers. The city is, however, asking that people:
- Bundle plastic bags and plastic film into one bag with the handles tied.
- Place shredded paper into a clear plastic bag with the handles tied.
"Converting the depots has been a top priority," said Mike Caputo, Calgary's manager of collections services. "Once blue-cart collection started in the southwest, we were able to convert the depots in about a week.
"By eliminating sorting and having the depots accept the same materials as the blue-cart program, we make it easier for residents to recycle."