Queue-jumping inquiry resumes in Calgary Monday
Health-care investigation examining preferential access in Alberta

The public inquiry into whether some Albertans have been given preferential access to the health-care system resumes today in Calgary.
The two weeks of hearings will continue to search for answers on the issue following two weeks in Edmonton in December.
A number of current and former top health officials will appear this week, including health minister Fred Horne and the former CEO of Capital Health, Sheila Weatherill.
The inquiry's lead counsel, Michelle Hollins, said they're still on track to file a report by the April deadline.
"To some extent, it's difficult to predict how far those threads may unravel, if you like and how many witnesses may end up being called," said Hollins.
"If we cannot finish them in the two weeks allotted, then we may be looking for more hearing time."
A report must be submitted to Speaker Gene Zwozdesky no later than April 30.
Hollins said the inquiry will hear what happened when the Calgary Flames were allowed to get the H1N1 flu vaccine ahead of the general public.
"There are some other issues coming up out of the H1N1 crisis and the distribution of that vaccine to other groups and we're also taking a look at an issue regarding referrals from private clinics to diagnostic centres."
The Wildrose Party's health critic Heather Forsyth said the inquiry is a disappointment because no concrete examples of queue-jumping or doctor intimidation have been uncovered.
"The PC government, in my mind quite frankly, has not only let Albertans down, but has truly let our health-care professionals down and to me, that's a very sad day."
Forsyth said the millions being spent on this inquiry could have been better used in the health-care system itself.
Redford ordered the inquiry in February after a report by the Alberta Health Quality Council on problems with the province's $16-billion health-care system.