RCMP to ramp up service on Alberta highways May long weekend
Officers will be patrolling for behaviors that cause collisions

There will be a lot of RCMP officers and sheriffs on Alberta highways this May long weekend.
Cpl. Darrin Turnbull said they want to make sure the roads are safe.
"We'll be concentrating on things like speed and aggressive driving, alcohol and drug impairment and distracted driving. Distracted driving is a big one."
Turnbull says the idea is to focus on driving behaviours that cause collisions.
“We do have officers who have been rescheduled and other officers have been brought in on their days off to help with enforcement this long weekend,” he said.
“Tuesday morning we want to be able to report that there were no fatalities or any serious injuries on our highways.”
Turnbull says those driving on the Queen Elizabeth II can follow the officers and what's happening on Twitter. The integrated traffic units will post information about collisions and traffic tie-ups at @QEIITraffic.