Calgary Zoo announces red panda birth
'Proud parents' Sakura and Dusk part of the zoo's breeding program

The Calgary Zoo announced this week that a red panda cub born in its breeding program in July will soon be making its debut.
"A red panda cub is very dependent on mom for the first three months of it's life — in fact it will not leave the nesting area until it can climb and walk," said the zoo in a statement.
"Around this three month point, it will become observable by the public as it ventures from the den and starts to explore its habitat."
The female cub was born to "proud parents" Sakura and Dusk.
Sakura, the two-year-old mother, came to Calgary from the Granby Zoo last year. Father Dusk is 11-years-old and has been a zoo regular for two years.
The average lifespan is between eight and 10 years, but can reach up to 15 years.
The mammals are native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China.
The Calgary Zoo says it's been listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
This cutie will soon make her public life debut, says <a href="">@calgaryzoo</a>. Name ideas? For more: <a href=""></a> <a href="">#CBC</a> <a href=""></a>