Renters warned of scam in Canmore
RCMP warn fraudulent rentals posted online

RCMP in Canmore have received complaints about fraudulent rentals listings for homes posted on Kijiji.
Cpl. Darleen White says the victims handed over their money through email and were supposed to receive a four-digit code to access the house.
"After the money was sent, communication stopped with the individual they sent the money to. In the second instance, when the individual asked for money to be sent over an email account, they thought something was suspicious and reported it to us," said White.
Police say the perpetrator was asking for most of the money up front by offering a discount if the renter paid the full amount.
White says the scam is focused on rentals for the Christmas season.
Police have also heard from one homeowner who saw an ad on Kijiiji and posted a reply saying their home was not for rent.