ReTree YYC Fair hits Glenmore Park
City of Calgary hosts event to teach citizens how to save, or replace, damaged trees

The city of Calgary wants to talk to you about trees. Pruning, cutting, planting: you name it, they want to discuss it.
This Sunday, May 17, the city is hosting the ReTree YYC Fair in South Glenmore Park to help spread information for owners about how to care for storm-damaged trees after last September's freak storm.
"There are three times as many damaged trees on private property as there is on city land and recovering from this storm will require us as a city and a community to look after our trees together," said Nico Bernard, manager of ReTree YYC, in a press release.
The fair will feature talks and demos by experts, as well as free mulch, activities for kids and food.
The city estimates that 50 per cent of Calgary's trees were damaged in the storm, with some requiring pruning, while others will need to be removed and replanted.
The fair runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and takes place at the Oakmount Drive and 90 Avenue S.W. entrance to the park.