Riverfront Aquariums faces 3rd set of animal neglect charges
Humane society says lizard, frog, iguana and other animals found in medical distress at Calgary pet store

A Calgary pet store has been charged for a third time under the Animal Protection Act after officials rescued several animals in medical distress.
The most recent charges came after the Calgary Humane Society seized a lizard, a tree frog and two day geckos on June 18 from Riverfront Aquariums at 312 Meridian Road N.E.
In September, officials seized nine rabbits and a bearded dragon suffering from neglect, and in May they found an iguana and chameleon in medical distress, resulting in the first and second set of charges.
"It is very concerning to see a business dedicated to the sale of animals charged once, but to see subsequent charges laid demonstrates either an inability or unwillingness to properly care for their animals," said Brad Nichols, the society's senior manager of animal cruelty investigations, in a release.
"A business claiming to be an expert in the care of exotic animals, to me, has a higher expectation of care than a lay person."
The owner of the business is set to appear in provincial court Aug. 6, Aug. 24 and Sept. 8 on the three sets of charges.