Shaganappi pedestrian bridge faulty, delayed at least 2 weeks
Something has gone wrong with the new pedestrian bridge built to span Shaganappi Trail between Crowchild Trail and Dalhousie Drive in the city's northwest.
'Whoops': city spokesman says new bridge connecting Brentwood and Dalhousie doesn't fit its supports

Something has gone wrong with the new pedestrian bridge built to span Shaganappi Trail between Crowchild Trail and Dalhousie Drive in the city's northwest.
When trying to install the bridge, crews found the span didn't join up properly with its supports.
Transportation department spokesman Sean Somers says it's not known yet exactly what went wrong — whether the fault lies with the design or the manufacture of the bridge.
Either way, Somers says the cost of the fix will not be paid by taxpayers.
The bridge, which will connect the communities of Dalhousie and Brentwood, is expected to be completed within its original budget of $5.9 million.
The minimum two-week delay puts the bridge completion at Feb. 8 at the earliest.