Spring cleaning tips and hacks from an expert
Microfibre cloths are a game changer, says Janine Kolotyluk, and that's just one tip

Don't clean your windows on a hot day and microfibre cloths are a game changer.
Those are just a couple of spring cleaning tips from an expert, Janine Kolotyluk, who is ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen's senior community educator.
"Don't do it on a hot day or when the sun is directly on the window because it's very difficult to get them not streaky," Kolotyluk told The Homestretch.
"The microfibre cloth has revolutionized window cleaning. They break up the water droplets a lot so you don't see the big drops of water that stay on your windows or stainless steel."
She says often the simplest solutions can be the best when it comes to seasonal cleaning.
Soap and water
"We recommend… using the least chemicals you can use to get the job done. If you can use warm water and a little bit of dish soap, that's probably best for windows," Kolotyluk says.
"Put pads below the window so you're not going to get drips on your floor and wash the entire window and the edges. Then take another cloth with just plain water and rinse the whole area. Then take a microfibre cloth which you wring out well and just wipe down the entire glass area. If you are good with a squeegee, those are great but they take some finesse to be able to use them properly."
"You can take your screens apart. Wash them, put a towel down or use the bathtub, use the shower to spray them off, let them dry and put them back on," she said.
"Often we don't take ceiling fans apart and clean them. Even the fan about your stove, where all the grease and cooking smoke goes up, get your manual out and see how you can take that apart," Kolotyluk said.
"Some things you can put in hot soapy water, some you can put right in the dishwasher. But be careful; you don't want to damage it."
Rough baseboards? Use more water
"If they are smooth, you can just take a damp cloth and wipe them down. If however, there are some rough areas, then you have more of a challenge," Kolotyluk said.
"You need to use more water, a wetter cloth. Have an old towel to dry it off and then it won't attract anything while it's still wet."
Furnace and vents
Most people don't clean them every year, Kolotyluk said.
"It also depends if you have a lot of dogs or in an area with construction or a lot of dust, then you might have to," she said.
"It's a good idea to build a rapport with companies that clean carpets, vents or fireplaces. Then you can trust them. It will do you well in the long run."
Closets: break it down
"Do a portion of your closet. Weed out what you aren't going to wear this season or you haven't worn it for two years anyway. Get rid of them," Kolotyluk said.
"Don't put away clothes that have been worn and might have body oil on them. If it's wool, it will attract moths. Make sure things get washed or dry cleaned before you put them away. While the closet is half empty, you could clean the walls and baseboards. Do a little bit at a time."
- Check out ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen's blog on spring cleaning for more ideas. Share your tips below in the comments.
Listen to the full interview with expert spring cleaner Janine Kolotyluk:
With files from The Homestretch