Verdant Creek wildfire delivers strange smoke to Calgary area
'Weather conditions in Verdant Creek have caused the fire to pick up'

Smoke that rolled into Calgary early Wednesday evening appears to be from the Verdant Creek wildfire, fire and Parks Canada officials say.
"The south section of the fire is active in B.C. as forecasted, and the fire remains on the west side of the continental divide," Christie Thomson of Parks Canada told CBC News in an emailed statement Wednesday.
"The smoke in the Bow Valley is coming from the wildfire, and is not the result of a prescribed fire. There is still no threat to local communities in the Bow Valley; however smoke will remain visible."
Increased smoke in the valley. Weather conditions in Verdant Creek have caused the fire to pick up. No current threat to local communities. <a href=""></a>
Canmore Fire Rescue tweeted "Weather conditions in Verdant Creek have caused the fire to pick up. No current threat to local communities."
The same coloured smoke could be seen in the skies over the Calgary area in the late afternoon, making the sun look more like a red-tinged moon.