311 new senior beds to open in Edmonton, Calgary
Expanded role for paramedics and more money for ER renovations also announced
The province is opening 311 new restorative beds in Edmonton and Calgary, designed to help seniors recover after a stay in hospital so they can eventually return home.

Liberal Leader David Swann said the new beds will do little to relieve pressure in emergency rooms, since the backlogs are in the hospitals themselves.
“It’s a Band-Aid," he said. "It’s only going to fill up with more people because we’re not developing the community supports that are needed.”
The beds were one of a three-part announcement by Health Minister Stephen Mandel Wednesday morning.
The province is also putting $50 million towards renovating emergency departments at five hospitals.
Those hospitals include the Peter Lougheed Centre and South Health Campus in Calgary; and the Misericordia, Grey Nuns, and Royal Alexandra hospitals in Edmonton.
The province also announced it will expand the role of paramedics, allowing medics to provide more frontline care in clinics and regional hospitals by collaborating with nurses and administering portable lab analysis.