Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler gives Edmonton newlyweds sweet emotions
'When they turn out to be nice people, then you just kind of appreciate it more'

Ken and Richelle Morrison didn't have to look for "Love in an Elevator."
The Edmonton newlyweds had it with them already.
What they didn't count on was running smack into the man who wrote the song.
Steven Tyler, lead singer of the rock band Aerosmith.
It happened on Saturday.
The couple had just been married and were driving around the city to take wedding pictures. They ended up downtown at the Hotel Macdonald, overlooking the North Saskatchewan River valley.
The photographers took some shots in the lounge, out on the patio, then they all went up to the fifth floor to pose in the stairway, next to some windows with a breathtaking view.
When they walked back to the elevator, there was a little Maltese dog sitting there. All alone.
They took the dog on the elevator and went down, and when the doors opened in the lobby ...
"Steven Tyler was standing right at the elevator," Ken Morrison said from Maui, where he's now on his honeymoon.
'Oh, my god ...'
"He said, 'Oh, my God, you found my dog!'"
They all chatted for a minute or two. The singer thanked them, congratulated them. They took some pictures together. Tyler asked about the honeymoon. He told them he has his own place in Maui.
The couple walked out the front doors. Tyler and his dog followed along.
They took more pictures. They chatted some more. Tyler played on the grass with his dog.
"It was kind of surreal, to be honest," said Morrison. "He's very recognizable. He's so approachable. He seemed very, very genuine.
'A really, really nice guy'
"It wasn't like there were a bunch of bodyguards around him. I didn't see any. Just a really, really nice guy. Very appreciative that we got his dog. I don't know how the dog got away from him."
When they got to the wedding reception later, naturally they told everyone. The wedding had its own hashtag #masseymorrison2015 and soon the photographs with Tyler spread among their family and friends. And far beyond.
Morrison said they signed a waiver, so they can't say how much they were paid. They donated the money to the Stollery Children's Hospital.
The minute TMZ put the story up, their cellphones started ringing. It was 3 a.m. in Maui. But they didn't really mind.
Morrison,who works as a real estate agent in Spruce Grove, is in his early 40s, and grew up listening to Aerosmith.
He knew that Tyler had been spotted mixing with people at Taste of Edmonton last Friday.
He said his own experience with the man came as something of a surprise. It taught him that celebrities are just people. Some are jerks. Some are egotists.
Some are Steven Tyler.
"I don't think you expect them to be nice," Morrison said. "These are people with hundreds of millions of dollars, and adoration, and people give them everything. They probably don't hear 'No' very often. When they turn out to be nice people, then you just kind of appreciate it more."
They'll probably never ride in a elevator again without thinking about that dog. And his owner.