Alberta government defends $4.5M ad campaign on carbon levy
Premier Notley has spent three times on advertising as former premier Alison Redford, Brian Jean says

Premier Rachel Notley is defending spending millions of dollars on an advertising blitz to explain the new carbon levy.
In her first appearance in the house since returning from the first ministers meeting on climate change in Ottawa, Notley said the $4.5 million campaign pales in comparison to advertising dollars spent by the federal Conservative government when Wildrose Leader Brian Jean was a member.
"It's jaw dropping how much the member opposite's government spent on political advertising," said Notley, noting the Conservatives spent hundreds of millions of dollars in one year on ads.

Jean compared Notley's advertising expenses to former premier Alison Redford's, claiming the Notley government has racked up "three times as much taxpayer money on political advertising campaigns," as Redford did during her brief reign as premier.
Joining the fray, deputy premier Sarah Hoffman said: "I get that he wants to compare us to what happened under a previous PC government, but I'm also looking at the record he had when he was in Ottawa," she said.
"They spent $5 million just advertising the War of 1812. So I think it's pretty rich coming from the leader of the opposition."
Wildrose MLA Derek Fildebrandt dredged up statements made by Notley and government house leader Brian Mason while they were in opposition.
"She labeled Redford's 240 communication staff as a waste of taxpayers' money," Fildebrandt said. "In the same year, the now-government house leader on multiple occasions accused premier Redford of excessively spending taxpayers dollars to control the message."
Wildrose claims the NDP government has spent $10.5 million in political advertising.
Hoffman said the $4.5-million campaign to promote the climate plan is necessary so Albertans will know what's coming and how to benefit from carbon rebates and energy retrofit funding.
The campaign will run until the end of March, and include new information not previously made available to the public including energy-efficiency grants, market access, federal actions and rural impact, said Alberta Environment spokesman Kyle Ferguson in an email,