Alberta towns given 30 days to come clean on pork-barrelling

Elections Alberta has given the province's towns and counties 30 days to respond to allegations of so-called pork barrel politics.
"We're going to be following up with that and sending a letter this week, asking some questions of those municipalities and then getting detailed information on maybe what transpired," said Chief Electoral Officer Brian Fjeldheim.
A CBC investigation revealed earlier this month that several municipal councils have contributed to the Alberta Progressive Conservative party, despite laws against it. Alberta's Election Finances Contributions Disclosure Act prohibits the use of public money for partisan politics.
CBC reported that the Town of St. Paul helped organize a golf tournament in June to raise campaign funds for Tory MLA Ray Danyluk.
St. Paul's mayor, councillors and staff also participated in the tournament at the town's expense.
CBC later learned other towns similarly contributed to Tory fundraisers.
Fjeldheim said letters will be sent to Hardisty, Tofield, Didsbury, St. Paul, Smoky Lake and Cardston.
After 30 days, the responses will be assessed before Alberta Elections decides whether to open an investigation. Fjeldheim also plans to send letters to every other municipality in the province to remind them about the rules.