COVID-19 face masks now available to Albertans at select drive-thrus
Drivers encouraged to pick up masks for family members and friends to reduce traffic
Albertans can now obtain free masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by using A&W, McDonald's, or Tim Hortons drive-thrus.
No purchase is necessary.
Drivers are encouraged to pick up masks for family members and friends to reduce traffic at the drive-thrus.
The masks are being distributed on the honour system, and people are asked to respect the limit of one package of four masks per person to ensure everyone can get them.
More than 600 outlets will be distributing 20 million non-medical masks
The province estimates 95 per cent of Albertans live within 10 kilometres of participating drive-thrus, but masks have also been provided to municipalities, First Nations communities, Métis Settlements, and other local agencies that do not have access to one of the drive-thru outlets.
The province is developing plans to distribute another 20 million masks.
Instructions for proper care and use of non-medical masks are available at