Cyclist killed on Whyte was U of A track athlete

Friends of the cyclist killed on Whyte Avenue are planning a ride in his honour.
Cyclists will meet at city hall Friday afternoon to grieve the death of Isaak Kornelsen, killed Monday morning when he fell from his bike under the wheels of a cement truck.

He fell while trying to avoid the extended side mirror on a pick-up truck parked on the busy avenue.
Kornelsen, 21, was an accomplished track and cross-country runner.
Friend and trackmate Kris Loshack said Kornelsen never let success get to his head.
"Super modest," Loschack said, describing him. "You would never, you would never be able to tell just from talking to him."
Kornelsen also studied philsophy, art and was studying Swedish while planning to spend a year in Sweden.
"Probably the smartest guy I've ever met," said Loshack. "He's the kind of guy, if you couldn't think through an argument, he'd be able to jump on it, for sure."
Loshack cycled frequently with Kornelsen, who, he said, always wore a helmet and never took risks.
Loshack believes a bike lane needs to be installed on Whyte Avenue.