Dry, hot conditions drive fire hazard to extreme in central, northern Alberta
Heat and wind are pushing the fire hazard to extreme in central and northern Alberta.
Fire weather advisory issued

Heat and wind are pushing the fire hazard to extreme in central and northern Alberta.
There are currently 116 wildfires burning in the province; 46 of those are considered out of control.
All burning permits within central and northern parts of the forest protection area of Alberta have been cancelled and no new permits will be issued.
Currently, there are fire bans in the south eastern corner of the province with fire advisories affecting most other areas of Alberta. Advisories are issued to warn the public that there is a high fire danger and that a more restrictive fire ban may come if the situation does not improve.
Winds are expected to reach gusts of up to 50 km/h in some parts of central and northern Alberta over the next 24 hours.