Edmonton suspends its mask exemption card program, saying it needs to review distribution
Face masks have been mandatory in all indoor spaces in Edmonton since Aug. 1

The city is no longer distributing face covering exemption cards at its recreation centres, saying it needs to re-evaluate the program.
Face masks have been mandatory in all indoor spaces in Edmonton since Aug. 1.
The exemption card program was brought forward by the city this past weekend for people who are unable to wear a mask due to physical or mental health conditions. They were available to any individual who asked, with no supporting documents required.
The cards were being distributed at seven city rec centres.
The city said in a news release Wednesday that people "with legitimate exemptions" have been able to obtain a card.
"We are reassessing the program and distribution mechanisms for those with a legitimate exemption and who may want a card but were unable to pick one up in person," reads the news release.
The city said it did not know when an alternate distribution program would be in place or when the cards would be available again.
Cards distributed between Aug. 8-12 remain valid.
City councillor Jon Dziadyk said the mask exemption program was meant to help ease tensions around compliance. Edmontonians with genuine medical conditions should have proof of exemption, he said.
The card allows people to remain mask-free while in malls, grocery stores and other indoor spaces.
The orange exemption card states, "I cannot wear a mask or face covering" in bold white letters.
As of noon Tuesday, more than 3,800 exemption cards had been issued.