Edmonton Hells Angels bust nets guns, $1M in stolen property
Seizure of 21 weapons shows lengths Hells Angels will go to protect their profit, police say

Two full patch members of the Hells Angels have been arrested as the result of a lengthy investigation by the Edmonton Police Service's organized crime unit ALERT.
In total, the investigation resulted in 10 arrests, the seizure of 21 firearms and the recovery of more than $1 million in stolen property, police say.
Staff Sgt. Dave Knibb said Wednesday that the investigation was sparked by an anonymous tip to the Crime Stoppers line about the theft of a variety of trailers and recreational vehicles.
[The weapons] to me demonstrate the lengths at which these criminals are willing to go to protect this profit.- Staff Sgt. Dave Knibb
"This investigation found that members of the Hells Angels, their support clubs and associates were allegedly involved in the theft, (replacing the identification numbers) and trafficking of stolen trailers and recreational vehicles," said Knibb.
The stolen property was sold amongst Hells Angels associates for a "cheap discount."
Full patch members
The arrest of two full-patch members is something that, according to Knibb, makes the investigation very significant.
Full patch is the highest level of membership a Hells Angel can attain.

Knibb said the reach and influence of the Hells Angels in Alberta is long reaching.
"The Hells Angels have five chapters in Alberta. Two in Edmonton, two in Calgary and there is one nomad chapter as well. And there is a variety of support clubs that have a much greater reach than just the numbers of the Hells Angels themselves," said Knibb.
Knibb added that he believes this investigation shows the variety of the criminal activity that the Hells Angels are engaged in.
The 21 firearms seized showcases just how dangerous the criminal organization can be, said Knibb..
"To me this demonstrates the lengths at which these criminals are willing to go to protect this profit," said Knibbs.

Project Al-Wheels
The investigation, dubbed Project Al-Wheels, dates back to October 2015. It involved Edmonton police and various RCMP units.
Fifteen search warrants were carried out in the Alberta communities of Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Alberta Beach, Gunn, Onoway, Morinville, Legal, Ryley, Sherwood Park, Red Deer, St. Albert, and Langley, B.C.
The stolen property included 17 travel trailers, three pickup trucks, six ATVs, a snowmobile and two dirt bikes.
"These vehicles were stolen from the backyards and driveways of hardworking Albertans," said Knibb..
ALERT is actively working to get the stolen property back into the hands of the rightful owners.