Edmonton suburbs scene of city's latest homicide

Detectives are investigating the city's latest homicide at a house in southwest Edmonton.
Officers responded to a weapons complaint at 6:52 p.m. in a home on Haswell Court near 16th Avenue.
Insp. Regan James confirmed the death is a homicide and said the victim is a woman in her late 30s.
He said there were children living in the home at the time.
"It is a family setting in the home," he said. "All the members of the family are safe and in police custody, and obviously being interviewed."
He said the children had been taken to a "safe environment."
The city's latest crime scene focused on a suburban cul-de-sac lined with huge, upscale homes. A six-bedroom house across the street was listed for sale this fall for $988,000.
Police blocked off that street throughout much of the evening and were going door to door to talk to neighbours.
"We do have some information on a suspect," Regan said. "However it is so generic that it's probably not a worthwhile thing to put out there right now."
He said it is too early in the investigation to say whether the victim and suspect knew each other.
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