Father shares grief in wake of son's death in Edmonton dog attack
Kache Grist, 11, died Monday in south Edmonton home

The father of a boy killed in a dog attack in Edmonton says a flurry of negative public attention has impacted his ability to grieve the loss.
Wesley Grist said his son, Kache Grist, was a loving, empathetic child who could walk into a room and give a comforting hug to anyone who needed it.
"He just had the biggest heart and didn't hold on to anger.
"He's perfect. He's beautiful. He's the greatest thing. He's my best friend. I love my son," Grist said during a press conference held at a south-side restaurant.
"I just want him to be remembered for who he is — kind, sweet. But no anger, no grudges — he just loved everybody."
Grist said media attention and negative commentary from members of the public have been overwhelming.
He said the dogs have since been euthanized.
His roommate, who owned them, is afraid to return to the house, he said.
"It's brutal because it's been so invasive in my life during a time when I'm supposed to be grieving."
Kache, who lived in Osoyoos, a town in southern B.C., was in Edmonton visiting his father. He was set to return to B.C. a few hours after the fatal attack occurred.
Grist said he was in the garage getting the roommate's truck ready for sale. Kache had just gone inside the house to play a new video game the two had bought the night before.
"It was 10 minutes. Ten minutes, my world went from being happy, loving, hugging my son, and ten minutes later my world was completely ripped apart."
The Edmonton Police Service is investigating the fatal dog attack that happened in the Summerside area, near 82nd Street and 11th Avenue S.W., around 8 p.m. Monday.
Responding officers found Kache severely injured after having been "attacked by two very large dogs," police said in a news release Monday.
On Wednesday, police said the cause of death was found to be a dog bite, but the manner of death is "pending further investigation."
Grist said his son and the dogs got along well and he didn't think there was any safety concern.
The City of Edmonton says Animal Control peace officers had previously visited the house twice this year to investigate other complaints of dog attacks. Edmonton Mayor Amarjeet Sohi has said the city will review the previous complaints about the dogs and determine if there were any gaps in response.
Grist said people don't know the details of those incidents.
"Most of these people that have the most to say have no idea what they're talking about," he said.
"None of them lived in that house."