Grandsons' shoes a symbol of Alberta budget direction
Finance Minister Doug Horner says Thursday's budget will focus on the future
Alberta Finance Minister Doug Horner showed off three brand new pairs of children’s shoes on Wednesday to put a symbolic twist on an old budget tradition.
Each pair represents one of Horner’s three young grandsons.

“Rather than me get new shoes … I decided to invest in my grandsons’ future just like the province is going to be investing in theirs,” Horner said as he placed the shoes on his desk at a pre-budget photo opportunity on Wednesday.
On Thursday, Horner will release his 2014-15 provincial budget. He told reporters that the government will be focusing on making investments in the future.
“It’s investing in young Albertans, helping them get a leg up and move forward into what is going to be a very forward thinking economy,” he said.
“We’re global players, we’re global in the marketplace. The kids are going to need all the help they can get. That’s where the province can stand tall.”
Two of Horner’s grandsons turn four this year, the other one will be two. He said he bought the shoes at his local SportChek outlet.
The budget is embargoed until Horner starts delivering his budget speech in the Alberta legislature at some point after 3 p.m. Thursday.