Dr. Seuss character Cat in the Hat heads for Edmonton court date
Mock children’s trial part of 35th annual Law Day expected to draw thousands to Edmonton Law Courts
A legal drama set to unfold at the Edmonton Law Courts on Saturday, April 21, is going to be by the book, the storybook that is.

Judges, lawyers and court clerks will all play their parts in the mock children's trial, which is just one of the family-focused features of Law Day.
"These trials aren't what you would normally see in a courtroom. They're fun," said public prosecutor Chris Samuel.
Law Day is an opportunity for the public to see that there are "real people working on these cases everyday and that they feel comfortable if they ever find themselves in front of a judge or in a courtroom," Samuel said.
Samuel's admits the six-storey building filled with 60 courtrooms and staffed by more than 600 people can be intimidating.

The day was created to clear up confusion around Canadian rights and the legal system.
Over the years, Law Day presentations have involved topics such as identity theft, constitutional appeals and arbitration.
Judges, lawyers, prosecutors and court staff at courthouses across the province all volunteer their time.
"We like it when people have fun, when people learn something and, from the feedback that we get, that's what happens," said Samuel.