Mandel to announce in April whether he'll run again
Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel will announce whether he will run for a fourth term in October in his state-of-the-city address to the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce on April 2.

"I have to do it by then, so I will make a decision," he told reporters at city hall Wednesday.
"I think it's important to not wait any longer than that because...there are other people contemplating. Each one of those people for the most part said they will wait to see what I will do."
The recent move to extend terms to four years will play a role in his decision, he said.
"I've got to decide what is my vision for the next four years. Are there issues where we need continuity?"
Mandel, who has been mayor since 2004, said he has changed his mind many times about running and expects to change it a few more times before April.
"This has been and will continue to be the greatest job, greatest honour I've eve had," he said.