Only one who wore a costume at work? This tweet's for you
Loneliest Elmo picture taps into collective Halloween subconscious

A videojournalist at CBC Edmonton became a beacon of holiday cheer on Halloween, representing all those lonely souls who found themselves wearing the only costumes at their workplaces.
When Travis McEwan first stepped into the newsroom decked out in his fuzzy red Elmo suit, he was dismayed to find that he stuck out like a sore thumb.
"It wasn't very satisfying," McEwan said. "For everybody else, it was like a regular day at the office. And then there's me, awkwardly coming in all by myself."
When a co-worker took a picture of "McElmo" working at his desk in his full regalia, McEwan decided to tweet it out.
Little did he know he would tap into the collective psyche of Halloween superfans who found themselves similarly the black sheep of their workplaces.
When you're the only person in the newsroom wearing a Halloween costume. <a href=""></a>
Within six hours of publishing the tweet, it had been favourited nearly 2,000 times and retweeted by more than 700 people.
"I got tons of support — people tweeting back and saying, 'This is me,' " McEwan said.
I've turned into a symbol for Halloween costume loners and am encouraging them to feel like they're not alone this Halloween. <a href=""></a>
Soon, others began sending in their own solo costumed shots.
<a href="">@TravisMcEwanCBC</a> just hangin' out with my Imzadi in the newsroom <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@TravisMcEwanCBC</a> Feel u. But joke's on everyone -- I won the costume contest. <a href=""></a>
In the end, McEwan wasn't alone for long. By day's end, he was joined by three other CBC/Radio-Canada employees. Fittingly, one even dressed up as Big Bird.