Parents charged after Edmonton twins, 2, found starved
Parents in custody while 3rd child put in foster care

An Edmonton couple are facing charges after two-year-old twin girls were rushed to hospital in critical condition.
Police say the girls' father called paramedics to the couple’s residence on May 25, where they found one of the twins in cardiac arrest and the other with numerous injuries.
Paramedics were able to revive the girl, who suffered a life-threatening head injury, but she remains on life-support. The twins were found to be severely malnourished; one weighing 13 pounds and her sister 16 pounds.
The twin who didn't suffer a head injury is also in hospital and gaining weight rapidly, police said. Police spokesman Scott Pattison said girls that age normally should weigh around 26 to 27 pounds.
A third child, a young boy, was unharmed, and has since been placed in foster care.
"It's a very disturbing case of child abuse," Pattison said. "And given the ages of 27-month-old twin girls, obviously, that has an emotional impact on investigators and everybody else involved in the case."
Police arrested the parents on Tuesday, charging them with two counts each of aggravated assault, criminal negligence causing bodily harm and failing to provide the necessities of life.
They were both remanded into custody. The couple cannot be named to protect the identities of the children.
Homicide investigators have taken over the file, in light of the life-threatening injuries sustained by one of the twins.
People who live in the area are horrified by the case.
"It's shocking and depressing as well," said Mohammed Al-Ani. "I mean, you don't treat your pets like this let alone your children."