Police investigate homicide after body found near Rundle Park
Detectives are investigating the city's 25th homicide of the year

A fatal fight with weapons near a northeast Edmonton apartment complex in the early hours of Friday morning is now being investigated as a homicide, police say.
The killing marks the city's 25th homicide of the year.
Police say witnesses reported an altercation at about 3 a.m. that involved several people armed with weapons.
Officers were called at 6:45 a.m. after someone found a dead man in a parking lot outside an apartment complex near 29th Street and 116A Avenue.
Police cordoned off an area adjacent to the Park Ridge Estates townhouse complex, near Rundle Park.
At 11 a.m., forensic units could be seen at the property, examining a section of the townhouse parking lot in the Abbottsfield neighbourhood. Red tape surrounded several cars.
One man who lives in the complex said he was leaving for work at 7 a.m. when he saw a body face down on the ground between two cars.